コンサルタント/ エバンジェリスト/自由研究家
情報・ 物理空間にマジックを生み出すアーティスト。
近年は、NON ZERO SUM をコンセプトに生み出した、
WEARABLE SCULPTURE "ウェアラブルスカルプチャー" の定義の基にFASHIONとARTを融合させた作品を発表。
Cultivated cognitive understanding, technical ability, and power of imagination through sculpture. Combined this with the posing of questions via contemporary art, strategic and novel ideas, and the creation of empathy and value as a base to establish a unique method. An artist who creates magic within information and physical space.
In recent years, created the NON ZERO SUM concept and unveiled works which fuse FASHION and ART based on the WEARABLE SCULPTURE definition.
自身のカスタムブランド”KiNG”は、国内外で取り扱い中。中国・天津、台湾・高雄 に店舗を構える。
その他に、講演会出演やオンライントークショーHBBA(エイチビービーエー)主催・Magnet Collectiveに参画するなど幅広く活躍する。
Completed Master’s Program (Fine Arts Graduate Course/Sculpture) at Tama Art University.
During school, provided designs, art, costumes, etc. for domestic and foreign businesses, media, productions, musicians, actors, and more.
Created clothing used in many venues including the Kohaku Singing Competition, the FNS Music Festival, the Japan Record Awards, the World Athletics Championships, and the opening ceremonies for the Taipei 2017 Universiade.
Custom brand “KiNG” is currently sold both within Japan and overseas, with shops located in Tianjin, China and Kaohsiung City, Taiwan.
Additional work includes that of movie producer and management strategy advisor for businesses.
Speaking at lectures and chairing the online talk show “HBBA” and Participation for “Magnet Collective” are examples of other wide ranging activities.
「アート X ビジネス」の領域において「5G」「AI」「BLOCKCHAIN」「XR」「SNS」
日本特有の感覚である ”縁起” にフォーカスした新たな繋がりを結ぶ力、確率変動を見つけ出す洞察力を最大限に発揮し、さまざまな経営者、科学者、物理学者、研究者、エンジニアと協業し、新たな分野の開拓を行っている。
プロジェクトに新たなシナジーを生み、問題解決、特異点、 飛躍を生み出し続けている。
・JT GROUP <日本たばこ産業>
・社団法人ユーダイモニア研究所 <株式会社eumo>
Continual consideration
Constantly building hypotheses
Discovering connections
In recent years, these ideas have become fundamental to art, and they have transcended the traditional activities of an artist.
In the cross section of “Art Meets Business,” while building on the foundation of technologies such as 5G, AI, BLOCKCHAIN, XR, and SNS, explored analog parsing and analysis regarding information gathering based on unique experiences and perceived values as they relate to conditions such as synesthesia and hyperthymesia. Building on this by focusing on the characteristically Japanese feeling of “Engi” (omen/causation) led to the ability to form new connections and also to maximizing powers of insight to discover probability changes.
These ideas have led to new areas that are currently being explored in cooperation with various managers, scientists, physicists, researchers, and engineers.
Engages in peaceful and innovative activities which uncover and create a new world while aiming ever higher.
Participates in a wide variety of project planning/creation and enterprise promotion activities for businesses, nonprofit organizations, and nongovernmental organizations. Creates new synergies for projects, solves problems, and continually makes singular points and rapid progress.
Project planning businesses/organizations
・JT GROUP <Japan Tobacco>
・Eudaimonia Lab <eumo, Inc.>
テヘラン国際短編映画祭 アジア部門グランプリ受賞
モンテカティーニ国際短編映画祭 スペシャルメンション受賞
アンカレッジ国際映画祭 審査員特別賞受賞
ヒューストン国際映画祭 審査員特別賞受賞
Movie producer
"Winter Butterfly"
Tehran International Short Film Festival Asian Grand Prix Winner
Maintenance International Short Film Festival Special Session Winner
"Magic Utopia"
Anchorage International Film Festival Jury Special Prize Winner
Houston International Film Festival Jury Special Prize Winner
SHISEIDO / JT / Coca Cola / Sony / SHU URMURA / EDWIN / SWAROVSKI / SWAROVSKI JAPAN / CASIO / NIKE / GAP / WEDGWOOD / CONVERSE / SWEAR / Sony Music Entertainment / and more…
Music & Celebrity
J BALVIN / Bruno Mars / Ronaldinho Gaucho / A-MEI / Bjork / Lady GAGA / G-DRAGON(BIG BANG) / CL(2ne1) / Kris Wu / Wang Leehom / SMAP / NEWS / AKB48 / Yuming / MISIA / EXILE / The GAZETTE / ARASHI / Ayumi Hamasaki / Mika Nakashima / Mademoiselle Yulia / AI / GLAY / KUMI KODA / and more…
VOGUE(TAIWAN,JAPAN) / Zinc(USA) / Jalouse(Paris) / Harper's BAZZR / ELLE japon / East touch(Hong Kong) / SO-EN / NYLON japan / FIGARO japon / DAZED / GQ / Mens NON-NO etc…
E-mail kingtokyooo@gmail.com